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Creative Play for Your Toddler: Steiner Expertise and Toy Projects for 2-4s
Creative Play for Your Toddler: Steiner Expertise and Toy Projects for 2-4s
  • 定價:523


    博客來-Creative Play for Your Toddler: Steiner Expertise and Toy Projects for 2-4s博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F011459355


    Give your kids more than a diet of television and plastic toys with this inspiring course. Following hot on the heels of the hugely popular Creative Play for your Baby, this is the ideal resource for modern parents who want their children to expand their creativity and imagination through play. Discover child development according to the Steiner theory, which helps toddlers realize themselves both naturally and holistically in mind, body, and spirit. Each chapter deals with a different element of your child』s growth and includes an expert summary of the theory that goes behind it. You』ll find step-by-step instructions for making over 20 beautiful toys from natural materials to help your child develop resourcefulness, originality, awareness, and confidence.







  • 1.美味的床邊故事(上下2冊,不分售)
  • 2.頑皮魔法
  • 3.友情慕斯的魔力
  • 4.深度閱讀測驗
  • 5.手指創造幸福
  • 6.防止老化的力量
  • 7.認識泌尿科
  • 8.召喚美女軍團 1 戰神家族
  • 9.活色生梟 3 爭風相對
  • 10.最終智能 21 大開殺戒

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